The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7890   Message #4002430
Posted By: GUEST,henryp
28-Jul-19 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: Sam Henry's Songs of the People
Subject: RE: Sam Henry's Songs of the People
So...the first programme will be repeated on BBC Two at 22.00 tonight in Northern Ireland only.

Outside NI, it may be possible to view it live via BBC iPlayer TV Guide BBC Two by changing location to Northern Ireland.

We should be able to view it on demand after the broadcast here;
Sam Henry

Here are some more clips; BBC Arts A life of song: How Sam Henry saved the people's music 18 April 2019

A life of song

In the great folk music revival, the song collector was a key figure – someone who saved beautiful, traditional songs for all. One notable example was Northern Irish folk legend Sam Henry. As a new, two-part documentary celebrates the indefatigable collector, IAN McTEAR recalls his influence.