The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166394   Message #4003477
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
05-Aug-19 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: Labour - the party of Remain
Subject: RE: Labour - the party of Remain
DtG - I don't want to argue with you, you're one of the good guys..
But you're repeating something I politely disagreed with every other time...

I don't expect anything of mods,
but am at liberty to request they consider circumstances of a specific thread,
and that they delete sparingly with due consideration and respect
for the time and effort wasted by Jim and others
in their fight back against the bad guys...

I don't accept that collateral damage is justified as an automatic first response
in dealing with Iains...
It should be a more considered last last resort.

Mods can be more reasonable and restrained if they want to...

Ocassionally critisising their more zero tolerance methods, is by no means an attack on our hard worked mods...

Mods aren't infallible, and there was a time a decade ago during the 'rogue mod war'
when at least one of them seemed to be abusing the power...