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Thread #166394   Message #4003631
Posted By: Iains
07-Aug-19 - 04:19 AM
Thread Name: Labour - the party of Remain
Subject: RE: Labour - the party of Remain
The argument that anything the cabal disagrees with is propaganda is getting rather old. It is time to change the record. And of course if people did not quote directly, or paraphrase material from the media, this thread could not exist.
The real argument here is the referendum result where leave won.
Where article 50 was voted for by 420 votes to 110
In the last election both labour and tory stood on leave tickets.
Time you all accepted you lost.(and Trump will win a second term)

Interesting news off the FT: McDonnell ruled out Labour supporting any sort of ‘national unity’ Government to try to stop No Deal that wasn’t led by Jeremy Corbyn.
That is one in the eye for grieve and co. Back to the blasted heath for them I am afraid. They may well betray everyone and vote for compo, but how many others would follow? In the ensuing election their careers would be dust.
Tic toc, on the home straight now!