The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166394   Message #4003636
Posted By: Steve Shaw
07-Aug-19 - 05:07 AM
Thread Name: Labour - the party of Remain
Subject: RE: Labour - the party of Remain
If there was ever a time for parliament to be recalled this is surely it. If it could be done for the trivial matter of paying tribute to Thatcher it should be done now without delay. Johnson is all too aware that the timetable as it stands is on his side, even if an election has to be called. Arguably, we are in a far more dire situation for the country that we were for any other recent recall. Allowing four more weeks to tick away in a state of stasis may not be unconstitutional but it's bloody undemocratic. Of course, the Speaker can recall parliament only if the government asks him to. No need to ask why that won't happen.

Failing that, I wonder if the EU can insist unilaterally that we have another extension, perhaps if they're bombarded by petitioning from an ad hoc "progressive alliance" of MPs. It would be claimed by the Daily Mail as being undemocratic, of course, but Johnson being forced to go along with that would be evidence that he's serious about not leaving with no deal. Haven't looked into that...