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Thread #166394   Message #4003702
Posted By: Iains
07-Aug-19 - 04:36 PM
Thread Name: Labour - the party of Remain
Subject: RE: Labour - the party of Remain
It is only a select few on this forum that think they have a godgiven right to dictate what arguments may be presented. You just cannot accept that democracy voted to leave the EU. That it sticks in your craw and you refuse to accept it is not my problem. Patting yourselves on the back by conspiring to have a mod delete most of my posts merely demonstrates you cannot accept that my view is that of the majority that voted for brexit. You merely demonstrate your own insecurities by insisting my posts are deleted, simply because you cannot even convince yourselves of the validity of your counter arguments.
To label my links as propaganda is really quite asinine. The facts can be checked from multiple sources.
It would be more accurate to call your arguments propaganda because they are indefensible and are proposed as an attempt to thwart democracy. Again the majority share my viewpoint. You should know by now that being a leftard does not confer either credibility or validity to your arguments. The more you squawk the more you corroborate my observations. Forming a little like minded gang to bully your way to dominance on this forum actually means jackshit in the big wide world. Prepare for disappointment.