The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30932   Message #400373
Posted By: GUEST,MAV
17-Feb-01 - 05:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwhacked SIX
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwhacked SIX
Little Hawk,

"MAV? Were you trying to say something?"


My point was the liberals like the murdering communists better than American conservatives.


(You didn't get that?)


You weren't counting on the Clinton News Network etc. for information were you?

You were aware that the Soviet Communists, Nazis, Chicoms and Cambodians as well as Castro were mass murderers weren't you?

Next you'll be telling me the Holocaust didn't happen.

YOU PEOPLE act like you never heard some of the stuff I've posted. Denial or disbelief?

I've certainly heard the LSC line over and over and over and over, including the major broadcast media news outlets.

Why should I or any American believe anything from the ministry of propaganda?

Ratings for all the major broadcast news shows are steadily declining as are those for MSNBC (2nd place Matthews), CNBC (paid programming) and CNN (massive layoffs).

The public just ain't buying it! Why are you?

FOXNEWS is steadily gaining ground with the American public since they give BOTH SIDES of a story and report THE FACTS on a news story.

You can accuse them of being biased to the right if you want, but you would be wrong! Many of their programs have hardcores from both ends of the spectrum arguing it out right in front of you.

Then you can go online and do some research yourself.

Since they provide opinions from the right and other sources don't, I can only assume unfair leftist bias from most major sources.

As is also apparent (by your reactions) many sources, both broadcast and print, are guilty of bias by omission or placement (burying a story).

They either fail to report a major story or give it 2 column inches on page Z39 and then when a reference to it seems to be "news" they can say "Oh, we reported that, that's old news"

One more thing,

You didn't really think those "newsreaders" like jenningsratherbrokaw had to go to "Journalism school" to learn how to read a teleprompter or spell did you?

They are the professional purveyors of disinformation!

mav out