The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24300   Message #400493
Posted By: Nemesis
17-Feb-01 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: How many Mudcats have cats!?
Subject: RE: How many Mudcats have cats!?
Anyone who caught the BS Eclipse thread will have read my thread, heartbroken after Esme our slinky little black kitten was run over during it. Her sister Felicity (aka Scratch (by name and nature) (1 year old on the 22 March) was pining for lack of company so we now have a 7 month old black long-haired rescue kitten who despite her original bedraggled appearance is turning into a gorgeous quasi-Persian (tip: Dene's natural cat food turns all felines into sleak,silky thangs). Also, she has been nicknamed Mudkitten as she sits with her nose glued to the screen when I am surfing. Actually, it has taken 45 minutes to type this thread as she wants to tell us all something - when I decode what she's typing I'll let you all know!!

PS: Felicity was the name of choice of my 10 year old son - I explained that it mean "celebration, congratulations" and he reckoned having a kitten was cause for celebration. Small black fluffy thing is Buffy (TVS) altho' my name for her is Bebe as she is turning into a sexy girl - a bit like Pepe le Pew(sic?)'s feline love interest