The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166530   Message #4005461
Posted By: Backwoodsman
22-Aug-19 - 04:35 AM
Thread Name: prince andrew
Subject: RE: prince andrew
”you are talking bollocks”

Now there’s a persuasive, well-constructed argument. Not.

As you still don’t seem to get it, I’ll try one last time...

Juries are in place to make a decision based on the evidence presented to the court. They are clearly instructed to ignore anything other than that evidence, and they are clearly instructed that allowing themselves to be influenced by anything they have seen or heard outside the court. Will be a breach of their responsibilities.

By allowing yourself to be influenced by a photo published in the media which shows nothing more than a man with his arm around a girl which, of itself, does not constitute a criminal act, you would very likely be in breach of your responsibilities as a juror, and guilty of a criminal act - Juror Misconduct at the very least, and probably Contempt of Court also - rendering yourself liable to a two year prison sentence.

Did you read the Rules of Evidence I linked to because, if you did, you don’t seem to understand them?