The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166530   Message #4005527
Posted By: SPB-Cooperator
22-Aug-19 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: prince andrew
Subject: RE: prince andrew
So it seems you are suggestion that we are so beneath you, we are ot allowed to form opinions. You may notice that because I am inferior to you I haven't expressed what my opinion on this matter is.   So, Sir, please can you tell me what you are going to instruct me to think. I apologise that, somoeone who is so low that I am not even worthy of licking your boots have dated to comment on something that is none of my business. Please forgive me, Sir, for my total ignorance.
Oh, and Sir, please can you forgive me for commenting on other subjects that are n none of my business, regarding my betters.