The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166530   Message #4005637
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-Aug-19 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: prince andrew
Subject: RE: prince andrew
"we should not accuse him of anything."
While I don't disagree with the principle of not finding someone guilty before they are tried, I'm getting a little tired of the fireproofing of the 'great and good' from such charges as these
Recently, a major case of wealthy people committing horrendous crimes was quashed on the basis that the evidence of one witness was found to be flawed, despite the fact that other witnesses had come forward to make the same charges and the accusations pre-dated those that exonerated these public figures.

I find it difficult to separate this argument with the other current one that it is ok to exile so-called terrorists who went off to fight Assad
On lot deserve a trial - the other doesn't, apparently
Seems a little imbalanced to me
Jim Carroll