The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132198 Message #4006983
Posted By: GUEST
02-Sep-19 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: Origins/ADD: The Dolphin
Subject: RE: Origins/ADD: The Dolphin
Dolphin, Nottingham and Mars.
When I lived in Guernsey in the 1980s I visited Saumarez manor (we'd been playing folk music at one of their summer garden [parties). The then current lord of the manor, I think he was called Peter Saumarez took two of us into his attic and showed us some manuscript of "songs we might be interested in". One of those was a copy of the Nottingham and Mars, it was a Victorian print with staff notation. He said the song was about his ancestor Phillip Sausmarez.
The version I saw certainly pre-dated AL Lloyd or Ewan MacColl by at least a century.
I sang the song with the Shanty Group Jenkins Ear for a while and it was heard by Claire Rakich who has a version of my version on her album Salt on Your Door. If you hunt ouit soundcl;id for sean Laffey Nottingham and Mars I've a version up there too.