The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166593   Message #4007183
Posted By: Joe Offer
03-Sep-19 - 03:49 PM
Thread Name: Origins: God and the Orange Clown by Ian Robb
Subject: ADD: God and the Orange Clown (Ian Robb)
Ian Robb posted his own recording with lyrics on Soundcloud in 2018:

(Ian Robb)

When your forests turn to ash,
When your fields all turn to dust,
When your islands are awash,
How will you choose; who will you trust?
When the mudslides hurtle down,
Who will you turn to for recourse?
When your greens all fade to brown,
Who will you blame; who will you curse?

And still you go to church to pray,
Leaving your children to atone.
This world you’ve left in disarray
Is not God’s work; it is your own.

When tornados wreck your town,
When the tempest scours your coast,
Will you still heed the Orange Clown,
Will you still cheer his every boast?
When it’s time to make your choice,
Whose truth, whose lies will you believe?
Will you ignore the braying voice?
Will you refuse to be deceived?

Or will you go to church to pray,
Leaving your children to atone?
This world you’ve left in disarray
Is not God’s work; it is your own.

When at last the seas run dry
And when rocks melt in the sun
And when you can no more deny,
Then you’ll see what you have done.

Yet still you go to church to pray,
Leaving your children to atone,
This world you’ve left in disarray
Is not God’s work; it is your own.

God and the Orange Clown
© Ian Robb 2018

A message to the religious right and those who put the Orange Clown and other liars and climate change deniers in power: Neither God nor the Orange Clown is the answer.