The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165570   Message #4007248
Posted By: Jim Carroll
04-Sep-19 - 02:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit #3: A futile gesture?
I think the point is being missed somewhat here
Last night Johnson expelled 21 elected members of his party for not giving in to his bullying; in doing so he totally removed any claim his party has to being a democratic Party - in that one move he destroyed the Conservative Party, hopefully forever
When Lee resigned he spoke about others who were on the brink of crossing the chamber - the Tory Party is internally in tatters, with a bumbling clown who has deliberately surrounded himself with a team of nodding dog nonentities at its head
The best of the Tories who were unprecedentedly expelled en-masse last night will, hopefully, take their support elsewhere if they have a shred of decency and self-respect - I believe some of them have
This will leave Britain with a disgraced Government trying to force through the most important decision Britain has ever had to take with a minority of 22      

A General election would have to dredge up failed fascists like Farage to be future leaders - now there's a thought
A career beer-swilling racist bigot (matches Johnson's wine-throwing competitions, I suppose) whose creation, Ukip, imploded with it's own mindless racism incompetence and failure to agree with even each other, never mind those who elected them (go count the people who they had to expell for their obvious excessiveness in constantly letting the racist cat out of the bag)
What a ******* mess for any country to be in - hardly a position to take the Brexit 'Great Leap Forward'
Jim Carroll