The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30998   Message #400777
Posted By: Roger in Sheffield
18-Feb-01 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: major religions and homophobia
Subject: major religions and homophobia
Here in Sheffield the students union 'banned' Eminem for among other things the homophobic content of some lyrics. When I heard this I was slightly bemused. Here in England in recent years there have been a couple of pieces of legislation in which leaders of the major faiths poured forth homophobia in an attempt to scare MP's and the public into backing down on several reforms. Yet our students seem unaware of the bigger picture, a rapper telling it how he sees it is one thing, church leaders telling many followers how it should be seen is more worrying
Just wondered on peoples thoughts on this, in the future will gay people have been eliminated by gene therapy? Will they instead have equal rights? will the church have moved into acceptance?
We have the odd situation here that it is not PC to be homophobic so instead politicians 'welcome' gay people but say that marriage (thereby heterosexuality)is the prefered model ????

Roger prepared for enlightenment - but not too much please