The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30932   Message #400853
Posted By: GUEST,MAV
18-Feb-01 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwhacked SIX
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwhacked SIX

sorry bout that.


They can either screw it up by removing dollars from the economy, or enhance it by putting dollars back.

Kennedy did it in cuts

Reagan did it! cuts

Bush #41 didn't do it..."read my lips"

clinton didn't do it....largest tax increase in history

Newt did it..massive capital gains tax cuts

"Of the $5.6 trillion projected surplus over the next 10 years (and that figure assumed continued economic growth and significant pay down of the national debt) all but $1.9 trillion is earmarked for things like the social security trust fund. So the $1.6 trillion tax cut comes out of that. Which leaves a $300 billion hedge against those little blips that haunt our economic system. Not what I'd call prudent, aside from the equity issues that have been raised"

The govt is not supposed to run a surplus, that means they confiscated more money than they can waste.

There should be neither a deficit nor a surplus (balanced books)

This tax cut is nothing, it should be $5.6 Trillion or more.

"BTW, under the Bush plan, W and Laura will get a $20K tax break the first year and by 2006 it'll be up to $100k"

Good! That means other high EARNERS will also not be penalized for being successful.

"Its also estimated that the tax break going to the richest 1% would pay for the medicare prescription program. It's a question of values: Helping senior citizens get the medicine they need to stay alive or picking up that Renoir for the library at the Hamptons. Decisions, decisions, decisions"

Where in the US Constitution does it give the right to re-distribution of the wealth to the federal government???

mav out