The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152267   Message #4009145
Posted By: Jim Carroll
16-Sep-19 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: Mrs. McGraw - origins
Subject: RE: Mrs. McGraw - origins
The war referred to is obviously Anglo Spanish war which ended ended in 1808 - not long after the 1798 rebellion had been put down
This would make any written piece two decades out of date
Ireland would be still stinging with defeat and lookin for revenge, street singers taking the piss would have the good sense to keep their heads down, especially if they were trying to sell something
Britain was involved in eight wars between 1808 and the date for which Ireland would be a prime recruiting ground
The bloody war you were referring to was in Africa
It is highly likely that your piece was picked up and adapted from one of the many earlier anti-recruiting songs
I'm sure M.M. doesn't need lessons like a couple of Brits like us, coming from where his title suggests he comes from
You really need to learn how to listen to people who are far more likely to know more than you
Jim Carroll