The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30950   Message #400925
Posted By: Sarah2
18-Feb-01 - 02:17 PM
Thread Name: WyoWoman in Oklahoma ...
Subject: RE: WyoWoman in Oklahoma ...

Have PM'd Joe Offer to check this thread. If anyone can help...t'ain't me, unfortunately.

Glad to have you down this way; wish it were under happier circumstances.

I moved my own mum in with me a year after me da died. I figured that, God willing, it would come to that anyway, so I'd better do it while she was fit enough to stand the move. She's 85 now, and still awfully active, but I do spend a more time every year running her to various doctors for ailments. I'm so sorry your mum is having serious problems, and I hope having you with her will relieve the stress of being sick and elderly and alone in the house.

Suggestion, since you're there: Get a tape recorder and start her talking about her life. Stories of how she coped with the Great Depression, WWII -- who she saw or met 'mongst the famous and infamous of her lifetime. Where she was when the news of Pearl Harbor was announced. Not only is it good for the spirit for her; it's good for you, too -- and some day future generations of your family will be able to know her and her perception of a lifetime of events.

Am in Amarillo -- a mere half day's drive for we Southwestern Plains folk. We must meet and play a few songs while you're down here. PM me when you get into your Personal Files again, and we'll work on it, if you like.

Oklahoma is the Cultural Center of the Universe, and I love coming over there. It even has lumpy scenery!
