The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30922   Message #400985
Posted By: Hawker
18-Feb-01 - 04:05 PM
Thread Name: Fox hunting songs - right or wrong!!!!
Subject: RE: Fox hunting songs - right or wrong!!!!

It is easy to explain badly what you are trying to say.... and I apologise I think I just did.....

The Ha Ha was ironic laughter NOT LOL or ROFL laughter. Anyone who is honest, decent and humane dislikes the idea of killing any other living thing and if we all had to kill cattle for beef ourselves or whatever, then there would be a whole lot more vegetarians in this world. In stating that it defeats the object, I was referring to it being a hunting song and there seems no point in terrorising a poor innocent fox by chasing it accross the countryside scaring it half to death, only to put it in a box and then let it go. That idea of allowing the hunters to excercise their horses, let their dogs run, following a "dragged" scent seems better, as there technically is no kill at the end seems more socially acceptable, but the inference that I thought it was funny was not intentional.

Surely, by asking the question I am asking others for their feelings on EC...... I think all would agree that there are many, many trad songs that are NOT EC for one reason or another...... and in support of Deni, the same is VERY true with fairy tales - big bad wolves eating up children out walking in the woods..... evil stepmothers poisoning their princess daughters!

As for convictions - I am tempted, due to my sad sense on humour to say I have no convictions - my police record is clean, but I was once fined for parking with 2 wheels on the pavement...... but I know what you mean. I have not mentioned convictions because I did not want this to become a PERSONAL discussion, but a more reasoned debate on the subject. But seeing as how you asked......

I would not like the idea of being persued and slaughtered like Mr Fox / deer / whatever. Therefore on the addage do unto others, I personally would not do it myself. However Mr Fox killed one of my dearly loved young cats and all my neighbours hens in a night of carnage - he has caused me heartache. me... You may say that that is nature and he is an animal.... So are we and from the newspapers & television of today and history, that is all too apparent. Lets not add to the hatred in this world - life is too short.

Hope this is more clearly put? as I said at the start I DID NOT mean to cause offence. Apologies to those who felt otherwise! Lucy