The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6803   Message #40101
Posted By:
30-Sep-98 - 10:23 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Spring Hill Disaster (Maurice Ruddick)
Subject: Maritimes, Canada
As a Nova Scotian I am thrilled to see the extensive representation of the songs from the Dr. Helen Creighton collection in the database. I am also looking for something which has proved quite elusive. There is a song called the "Springhill Disaster" written by Maurice Ruddick, late of Springhill. Ruddick was known as the "singing miner" and was a survivor of the bump in the 1950's which captured much attention and which is the subject of the Peggy Seeger composition recently made popular by U2. As a local I consider Rudddick's composition yto be the "original" and would like to see it posted. Terry