The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140894   Message #4010200
Posted By: Lighter
24-Sep-19 - 06:47 AM
Thread Name: Origins: She Was Poor (Same The Whole World Over)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: She Was Poor (Same The Whole World Over)
Lt. L. A. Hansen, P-40 pilot, 7th Fighter Sqdn., USAAC, "My Stretch in the Service":

"[Nov. 17, 1942:] Major Herman, a flight surgeon, came in last night as drunk as a coot. It was funny as hell to hear him singing with an Aussie accent. His favorite song goes like this:

                ‘It's the same the whole world over,                                                                        
                Ain't it all a bloody shame,                                                                                
                It's the rich that get the clover,                                                                        
                And the poor that get the blame.'

What a man and what a voice. He sounds like an Allison [engine] missing on one bank and throwing a rod on the other!"