The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133473 Message #4010721
Posted By: GUEST,Julia L
26-Sep-19 - 09:43 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Jack Tar / Poor Jack / Saucy Sailor
Subject: RE: Origins: Jack Tar / Poor Jack / Saucy Sailor
Nobody has mentioned the Green Bed in which the sailor returns to wed the landlord's daughter only to be turned away because he tells them he has lost his ship and cargo. When he pays his bill with handsful of gold, pretty Polly miraculously appears and apologizes to which he tells her to stuff it and declares he will make the taverns roar with a bottle of good brandy and on each knee a girl.
Great song from Annie Marston of Gouldsboro Maine via Fanny Eckstorm circa 1929, recorded on our newest album "Bound Away- Seafaring Songs of Maine"
best- Julia
lyrics here PRETTY POLLY (The Green Bed) Lyrics mended by Julia Lane & Fred Gosbee British Ballads from Maine II / Fanny Hardy Eckstorm Sent in by Mrs Annie V. Marston, West Gouldsboro, Maine September 1926 Melody also sent by her 1929
It is of a young sea captain who lately came ashore He went up to an alehouse where he had been before “You are welcome home, young Johnny, you are welcome home from sea Last night my daughter Polly was dreaming of thee
“What luck had you, young Johnny? "Oh very poor !" said he “We lost our ship and cargo all on the raging sea “Across the wide Atlantic my ship and cargo crossed; All on the wide Atlantic my ship and cargo lost.”
“But bring down pretty Polly and set her on my knee! Bring down pretty Polly and married we will be” “ My daughter she is absent, oh she has gone away And if she were at home John, she would not let you stay”
And when young John heard this, he hung down his head He called for a candle to light him to bed “The beds are all full John, this fortnight or more, And you are not welcome for you are very poor”
He looked upon the landlord; he looked upon them all And then for his reckoning so loudly he did call * “Twenty shillings of the new, John, and thirty of the old” ** Young John he pulled out both hands full of gold.
Then in came pretty Polly all with a smiling face She gave him three kisses and then a kind embrace “You are welcome, young Johnny, you are welcome home from sea! The green bed is waiting for you young Johnny”
“I care not for your green bed; I would rather lie in the street. When you thought I had no money, my lodgings I might seek Now I’ve money in both pockets I will make the taverns whirl With a bottle of good brandy and on each knee a girl!”
Now all of you young sailors, a warning take by me Be careful of your money when you return from sea Be careful of your money and lay it up in store For if not they surely will turn you from their door.