The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165433   Message #4010852
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
27-Sep-19 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness: House, job, life 2019 - 2020
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness: House, job, life - 2019

Managed the laundry in spite of a trip to music venue for an hour - plus half an hour getting lost getting there! R was very late home - midnight - so the sheets dried and were back on the bed before we got to it. And a light super ready for the nutcase.

Dragged myself out of bed - R is running on "have to get things done"and E pushing him. Soon he will sleep for a full day or more but not until after the fourth when he has to make a presentation - in French - re the Project. WE both know this is not healthy but it is the only way he knows to operate.

So, I dragged myself out this am, back to the Mill to pot, do some sorting and cleaning up in studio, brought a box of K stuff home, including a blender - for the carrot soup that is in my head for tonight's supper. And maybe a couple more days. With cabbage and tomato, onion, and some finely chopped hot pepper - OH, but it will All go through the blender! A few more pots thrown, and all well wrapped as yesterday's were not ready to trim. I'll see about tomorrow, tomorrow.

Drove 24 extra Km to pick up some more blueberry muffins from the orchard - Arghhh! Only one half dozen available. More tomorrow! And that behind someone going 15 km under the limit on a road where passing was difficult to impossible. The transport breathing down my neck managed to pass both of us! They can see further.

No planting today; plumb wore out! Maybe a nap...