The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30920   Message #401146
Posted By: Pete M
18-Feb-01 - 09:06 PM
Thread Name: US/British planes fire on Iraq (closed)
Subject: RE: US/British planes fire on Iraq
Guest cretinous yahoo is correct so far as the UN mandate was concerned, but then if what you are really concerned about was liberating Kuwait I would suggest that the whole Desert Storm campaign was a farce and fiasco. To achieve that aim militarily was no justification for the destruction of Iraqi infrastucture, nor for the long drawn out nature of the campaign which allowed the destruction of Kuwait as well.

If, heaven forbid, one was to be cynical, you would almost think that the chance to show off all those wondeful new toys a grateful nation had been buying for the military, and so justify the billions spent on them; had something to do with it.

Pete M