The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30920   Message #401164
Posted By: Gary T
18-Feb-01 - 09:33 PM
Thread Name: US/British planes fire on Iraq (closed)
Subject: RE: US/British planes fire on Iraq
From the Kansas City Star, Sat. 17 Feb.:
"Hussein blamed the United States and Israel for the bombings, although American and Israeli officials said Israel had not been informed in advance of the strikes."

So now you know who's blaming Israel. Surprised?

From the same paper:
"...U.S. officials said the targets, which were from five to 20 miles from downtown Baghdad, had been chosen in part because they were not in civilian areas."

My opinion is that Iraq's reports of civilian casualties are fabrications for the sole purpose of generating sympathy from the gullible.

From MARINER'S first post above: " If the Iraqis were bombing your country, and including it appears, innocent civilians, on a daily basis wouldn't you like to take out some of their planes?"

What's that got to do with the price of wheat? The U.S. and British planes are suppressing Iraqi aggression and defending themselves from Iraqi anti-aircraft action. They aren't going around bombing Iraq because they feel like it. If Iraq would keep their planes out of the no-fly zone, their targeting radar turned off, and their anti-aircraft weapons still, there would be no exchange of fire there. The Iraqis are the ones who could easily make hostilities cease, yet they continue to provoke return fire for the propaganda value. Judging from some of the reactions I've heard, the propaganda is working.