The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30932   Message #401199
Posted By: Troll
18-Feb-01 - 10:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwhacked SIX
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwhacked SIX
Skeptic, the Tenth Ammendment forbids it.
Bush will not be able to bring the country together. The agenda of the NAACP will see to that. Julian Bond is already saying that it won't happen. The Black "leaders" won't have their accustomed power in a Republican administration so they will use the years until the next Democratic President to extole the victimhood of their followers thereby guranteeing a continuation of their paychecks.
I find them to be the worst racists of all because they tell their followers that they are inferior; that they can't make it without the help of the white man. And, of course, said "leaders" -the Jacksons and Sharptons and Bonds- are the only ones who can force the government to give the poor victims their due.
For all who think my comments are racist, I invite you to look at other minorities who have come to this country and done well by working hard. I call your attention to the Koreans, Viet Namese, Cubans, and Chinese, to name a few.
