The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166646   Message #4012535
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
08-Oct-19 - 11:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: climate crisis - how do we go from here?
Subject: RE: climate crisis - how do we go from here?
We all can do something. Today's load of laundry hung on the clothes line to dry is a small act, but it's a little less electricity being drawn from my house. One of these days I'd like to put solar panels on the roof, but I'm not there yet (I need to address the foundation issues before I do anything else big.)

Trolling isn't an eco-friendly act and it doesn't win friends or influence people, it simply brings the conversation back to focus on the troll, his object from the very beginning. Several perfectly acceptable posts have otherwise disappeared because they included a throw-away line with name calling or the challenging of moderation. It is possible to post entirely opposite points of view if they are on topic and presented to contribute ideas to the conversation.