The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166730   Message #4012635
Posted By: Jim Carroll
09-Oct-19 - 03:20 AM
Thread Name: the uk folk revival in 2019
Subject: RE: the uk folk revival in 2019
"Take it from that Ake you aren't keen on MacColl or Pete Seeger. Got to admit -"
I take it you're still referring to me Al
Take nothing from Ake if you don't want to catch something -
I admired Pete Seeger very much and I was folk-weaned on Ewan and present when he and The Critics Group did the work that could change the fortunes of folk song for the better, if we were allowed to discuss it without all this nonsense
Pat and I spent a fscinating hour or so with Pete, Ewan Peggy and Kirsty one afternoon
Ewan and Peg were recording an album and Pat and I had been asked to help out on the Choruses of 'White Wind' - Ewan's South African epic in their home studio
When we finished, Pete and Toshi walked in on a visit to do a concert
The difference between Ewan and Peg's and Pete's approaches was fascinating too observe
We were also lucky to have met Peggy's father, Charles while we were interviewing Ewan - different again