The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166730   Message #4012640
Posted By: Jim Carroll
09-Oct-19 - 04:05 AM
Thread Name: the uk folk revival in 2019
Subject: RE: the uk folk revival in 2019
Try Ireland Ake
You can here MacColl's songs being busked on the streets - many of them are regarded erroneously as traditional and Irish
The Travellers regard some of them as Traveller's songs and one learned American researcher, Horace Beck, in his ' Folklore of the Sea' referred to 'Shoals of Herring' as typical of the songs sung by Kerry fisherman
The suggestion that any artist should hide their political views for the sake of their careers sums up perfectly everything that has gone wrong with the English Revival - and would of course giv people like the excuse of describing MacColl as a "clandestine extremist communist" which would play ino your hands perfectly
MacColl's honesty and frankness were what made him so many enemies, fair enough - who wants friends who prefer dishonesty and hypocrisy