The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166730   Message #4012666
Posted By: GUEST,Pseudonymous
09-Oct-19 - 07:55 AM
Thread Name: the uk folk revival in 2019
Subject: RE: the uk folk revival in 2019
@ Vic

There are songs of the sort you list, but not giving the attitudes you would support and also produced by 'the folk'. I have made this point before, which seems important to me, not because I in any way support for example islamophobia but because they undermine this view that 'folk' will/has automatically express/ed sentiments of which the left/liberal left would approve.

Also @ Al, of course as I'm sure you would agree, it isn't only a radical minority of one religious group that persecutes or has persecuted those publishing material they dislike. The murder of Jo Cox and indeed death threats received by MPs across the floor of the House demonstrates this. Just been reading a book about Thomas Cromwell which at points is a list of people executed for heresy and/or treason, this is historical. So while I see what you mean by the Salmon Rushdie example, it is on my view potentially unfortunate in that it points a finger at a community subject to racist attacks on an increasing level. Think Tommy Robinson demonstrations. But you are of course right that musicians/song writers may alienate those who disagree with the views expressed in their music.