The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166730   Message #4012740
Posted By: Jim Carroll
09-Oct-19 - 02:56 PM
Thread Name: the uk folk revival in 2019
Subject: RE: the uk folk revival in 2019
"I like to think of MacColl as part of that wonderful optimism and artistic renaissance that sprang from the aftermath of World War 2"
Ewan and Joan Littlewood were putting on agit-prop playlets ouside factory gates in the Thirties while Gracie Fields was encouraging strikers in the texitile industry to scab and go back to work
The Radio Ballads were not intended as political productions but it was the fact the it was the first time working people were allowed to speak on the radio without a script or interviewer made them just than
The folk scene was built on the desire yo make your own music rather than buying it, its imminent death is largely because that is no longer the driving force and name and fame is now the over-riding objective
The hostile takeover by those who neither understand nor care about folk music and just want to use the clubs as musical dustbins hasn't helped

At least the revival gathered enough material and information together to ensure that it won't disappear altogether (locked in cupboards no doubt), but to be honest, I would rather be around when the youngsters find the same goldmines we were lucky enough to.
We have just received the wonderful news that the National Sound Archive at the British Library had received a sizeable grant and wants to put our collection on line
Hope to get rat-arsed on the strength of that tonight
Al last people will be able to hear what Walter Pardon and Mikeen McCarthy, and Peggy Delaney and Mary Delaney..... and all those other wonderful people had so say about their songs
Wheee !!