The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160833   Message #4012884
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
10-Oct-19 - 10:15 AM
Thread Name: Lyr: Song of Lieutenant Kije-from Singing Together
Subject: RE: Lyr: Song of Lieutenant Kije-from Singing Together
Guest: Lady J said a few years ago:
I loved this programme and am delighted not to be the only person to remember it. I would love to see the animation but can only seem to find more recent films.
There was an incidential line too.
"You'll never see me but this tune tells you I am here"

Just looking at a spare set for that scholastic year (Autumn 57, Spring 58 & Summer 58) and I see that when I transcribed the words & tune I overlooked the previous 2 pages (because there were no songs on them) but they show the themes/motifs for Kije, The Tsar, The girl, and Troika. So presumably the themes were highlighted during the programme.