The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31037   Message #401296
Posted By: Mark Cohen
19-Feb-01 - 03:12 AM
Thread Name: Meaning of 'Weep for Jamie'?
Subject: Meaning of 'Weep for Jamie'?
Here I am on vacation in Kona, and I still can't stay off the 'Cat! Recently I've been listening to Peter Paul & Mary's Album 1700. (CD 1700 just doesn't have the same ring...) I realized that I don't understand the song "Weep for Jamie" any better than I did in 1970. I once thought it might be about a woman who had an abortion, but some of the lines don't make sense in that context. Now I know there is the "don't worry about what it means, just sing it" school, but it seems to me there is a meaning that I'm just too dense to get. Enlightenment, anyone?

Since it's not in the DT, I'll put the lyrics here, as best as I can remember them. Sorry, I don't know the author or copyright info.

The other side of Jamie's door
Is aching loneliness, one, two, three, four
She dances with the ancient fears
With porcelain smiles and wetless tears

(CHO) Weep for Jamie, for the bones that tear at her flesh inside
Weep for Jamie, she lives in the land where her father died

Don't try to answer her helpless call
She can't hear your words, she feels nothing at all
With no tomorrow promised by today
She's the child of emptiness, yesterday


I'll sing you one of a love without an end
I'll sing you two of a tree that cannot bend
I'll sing you three of a womb never filled
And the fourth deepest wound and the love that it killed

