The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166645   Message #4014960
Posted By: Jack Campin
23-Oct-19 - 04:48 AM
Thread Name: Adverts on Mudcat Cafe threads.
Subject: RE: Adverts on Mudcat Cafe threads.
Just noticed another problem with these things. When writing a followup to a thread, the only way I can make a quote is by "select all" for the message I'm replying to, "paste", edit the hell out of it to get just the bit I want to comment on, and then put tags round it to give it a distinctive typestyle. When there is an ad in the message (as there usually is for long messages now), I can't even do the first step - "select all" doesn't work.

Which means I often have to defer replies for a few days till I can get to a desktop computer.