The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166646   Message #4014985
Posted By: Iains
23-Oct-19 - 06:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: climate crisis - how do we go from here?
Subject: RE: climate crisis - how do we go from here?
As soon as the Guardian is quoted to validate any kind of argument the I am afraid credibility has gone for a hike.

Intelligent conversations about these things depends on intelligent and critical appraisal of sources, otherwise we're wasting our time.

This to some is blindingly obvious! Alas alack many just hoover up the given narrative like sheep.

When paleoclimates are known to the nth degree.....
When climate models work flawlessly........
When all cyclical variations both of the earth and sun are fully understood......... to name but a few

Then perhaps meaningful discussion can begin. Until such time all we have are opinions.
and consensus does not a science make! even when rubber stamped by the IPCC