The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166789   Message #4015688
Posted By: Howard Jones
27-Oct-19 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: The current state of folk music in UK
Subject: RE: The current state of folk music in UK
"It might be a good start if people sorted out the differences between liking something, being able to understand it, and recognising its importance."

But to what extent are the understanding it and recognising its importance the function of folk clubs? Most clubs aim to entertain the audience, not to educate them. Of course an understanding of the background to a song helps with its enjoyment, and many people who go to clubs are deeply interested in the subject. But I believe the primary reason people go to folk clubs is the same as they go to performances of other genres: they like the sound folk music makes. Folk clubs provide the opportunity to enjoy listening to it and and perhaps perform or participate in a friendly and sociable atmosphere. Some understanding and awareness of its importance should spring from that, but they are not the purpose of most folk clubs.

I use the word "entertainment" in its broadest sense - it need not all be light and jolly. People read serious books and watch films and plays which may be tragic or even distressing, and they do so for enjoyment.