The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166646   Message #4016130
Posted By: matt milton
30-Oct-19 - 05:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: climate crisis - how do we go from here?
Subject: RE: climate crisis - how do we go from here?
It is very telling that Iains picks the year 2017 to provide statistics for Indian deaths from heat. The previous Indian heatwave, 2015, had deaths of over 2000.

Reason 2017 was lower is cos of governemental measures introduced to counteract the tragic deaths of recent years! If you were a totally evil bastard, of course, you could point to that as evidence of mankind's ability to adapt, and shrug off those thousands of deaths as a lesson learned (I would like to see someone try to say that face-to-face to a bereaved victim...!)

But morality aside it would be adaptation measures used by the Indian government can't be used for ever. They required fossil fuel usage (exterior and interior cooling systems); plentiful potable and clean water; and public access to green spaces. All of which are increasingly scarce in a hot country getting ever hotter.

Cutting to the substance of Iins' last email, the UK sea level record at Newlyn.... The first critical and obvious point: this records the sea level at Newlyn in the UK only. Whereas the IPCC are drawing conclusions based on sea level records from across the whole world.

Second point: having done a brisk google of hislink to check whether sea level records at Newlyn show a rise or not over the last century the first thing I found was this quote:

"Figure 8 shows that MSL at Newlyn has risen significantly over the past century, at an average rate of 1.8 mm/year (with a standard error of approximately 0.1 mm/year; see discussion of sea level trend in this record in Rossiter (1967), Thompson (1980), Woodworth (1987), Woodworth et al. (1999, 2009a), Araújo and Pugh (2008), and Haigh et al. (2009))"

If the link he provides says 'risen significantly', then 'risen significantly' is what I take from it.

Reading back over this entire thread, it seems to me that everything Iains has stated or pointed to has been rebutted, and each time he has simply moved onto something else.

I acknowledge my fellow Mudcatters' suggestions of 'not feeding the troll' but it seems to me that we are starving rather than feeding. This thread is a good record advert for the necessity of taking urgent action in getting to net-zero carbon as soon as possible; it provides excellent rebuttals of many sprurious arguments.

Iain's last email says "I do not have an issue with climate change". I'm glad to hear that because I have a 6-year-old son who, if he lives a long life will still be around in the year 2090. I cannot afford to be blase. The crazy thing about climate-change sceptic arguments is that i want them to be true but they never stand up.