The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30932   Message #401757
Posted By: Jim the Bart
19-Feb-01 - 05:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwhacked SIX
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwhacked SIX
I don't understand why all the capitalist nations have always been so fearful of communism. Capitalists dogma states that the superior product will prevail in the open market. If you truly have faith in the capitalist system how could you lose even a minutes sleep over the "communist threat", particularly when everyone knows how poorly the communist states perform?

All that fear because a balding Russian bureaucrat pounded his poorly made shoe while screaming "We will bury you?". . .Remember, Kruschev wasn't talking about the bomb - he was talking about some form of historical imperative. We were the ones threatening to bomb a small, rural enemy back to the stone age for not bending to our will.

Too many have died because foolish men have tried to force their "principles" on those who refused to agree. And it doesn't matter if the executioner was a communist or a capitalist or an anarchist, for that matter. Not to God and not to the children of the man who lies dead.