The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166789   Message #4018857
Posted By: Jim Carroll
13-Nov-19 - 07:39 AM
Thread Name: The current state of folk music in UK
Subject: RE: The current state of folk music in UK
"Why are you calling it 'my' folk scene.."
Generally aimed P - nothing personal

"20th/21st century is not nearly good enough"
THen correct me if I'm wrong
I am responding to what it being said here - I was part of the 20th century revival so I don't need a gerrap of history - it was a major part of my life
If you only concentrate on the good things the bad things have a nasty habit of creeping behind up you and biting you in the arse, as seems to be the case here

"THe state of folk now and in the future is optimistically secured"
As often as you say this doesn't make it so
You need a foundation to secure a future - how can that be possible if nobody can define the term and is no-one is prepared to discuss it ?
I'd rather try bottling fog