The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166858   Message #4018956
Posted By: keberoxu
13-Nov-19 - 03:28 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Rumpelstiltskin, thousands of years old?
Subject: RE: Folklore: Rumpelstiltskin, thousands of years old?
I went a little bit deeper into the link
provided in the OP of this thread.

Click enough times, and you will eventually link to
Royal Society Publishing, and the study referenced in the article at the link.

One of the tables in that study shows that
fifty specific tales were singled out
for "phylogenetic" consideration.
I still don't know what "phylogenetic" means.

The table takes these fifty examples, listed by title and
by assigned numbers for convenience,
and shows a tree of language-types rather than languages as I know them.
There are nine language types in this tree.
Some are connected laterally, like siblings;
some are descended from others.

I looked with interest at the handful of stories
that appear in the language-type
at the very top of the tree, which is to say,
the oldest language-type,
titled "Proto-Indo-European."

These stories, by title, are:

Boy Steals Ogre's Treasure

The Smith and the Devil

The Animal Bride

The Grateful Animals