The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30998   Message #401910
Posted By: Amos
19-Feb-01 - 09:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: major religions and homophobia
Subject: RE: BS: major religions and homophobia
You may have a "God-given" right -- such as those to life and liberty -- but if another seeks through means overt or devious to corrode that right, then it comes down to Spaw's framework -- give in or refuse. If you refuse, then you have the integrity of your convictions. If he rejects your refusal, then you have a contention, which will be resolved one way or another in the course of time. When I was very young, I thought I had to go to church X because if I didn't I would be presneted with overwhelming emotional, rhetrocial and perhaps even physical persuasion. When I got a little older (perhaps too heavy to carry around) I gained the right to make "No" stick and got to stay home on Sunday. The core right was mine "by nature", in the best Jeffersonian sense. But the implementation of it was easily over-ridden until I massed a few more kilos.