The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166789   Message #4020137
Posted By: RTim
18-Nov-19 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: The current state of folk music in UK
Subject: RE: The current state of folk music in UK
It seems to me that singers chose to sing songs they like……not because of who wrote them…and that only the current clubs are the places available for them to sing those songs…be they called “Folk” clubs or open mikes or sing arounds….
If – as some claim – “Folk Songs” are only those written by “ordinary people” who we do not know…..then I see no difference between a song written by someone 100 years or more ago than one heard last week for the first time….

I personally tend to sing mainly “Folk” songs, but I am not against singing a song I hear and like, and yes – I could just sing it at home to myself…but generally singers want to be heard by others…so we find our venues as above.

I do agree that there are less of these venues today than there were when I started singing in public in the 1960’s…why this is – I really can only guess at this – but I DO NOT think it is because of the type of songs that singers chose to sing….It is IMO because there are less places available to run events and general economic reasons…..and Yes – The young not being as involved.

This situation is similar in the Morris Dance world…..where ironically, there are More teams but less dancers – with more people dancing with multiple teams.

Whatever happens in the future, I honestly believe that NEITHER Song venues nor Morris teams will totally disappear….
The last time I looked, there are still a lot of Folk Festivals being organised every year in the UK....that maybe where most people go now?

Tim Radford