The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166789   Message #4020315
Posted By: Jim Carroll
19-Nov-19 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: The current state of folk music in UK
Subject: RE: The current state of folk music in UK
"I don't think people go to folk clubs for critical analysis"
Of course they do to an extent Al
Try to get someone who has been forced to sit through an evening of crap singing back to that club and you'll see what I mean
Nobody switches off their critical faculties in order to enjoy singing - the two go together like a horse and whatsit
It has bencome too easy to argue that working on singing spoils enjoyment and has become an excuse for sloppy singing and not being arsed to learn words
Apart from anything else a singer has to enjoy his or her own singing and they are not going to do that by forgetting words, o over-pitching or singing out of tune
Singing wall enough to please yourself takes work and that work has to be based on self criticism, if people are going to refuse to listen to the opinions of others, as most folkies do, in my experience
Personally, I regard criticism of my singing a compliment paid by someone who cares enough to help
I find often that those in the most need of help are the ones who refuse to accept it