The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30932   Message #402104
Posted By: kendall
20-Feb-01 - 09:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwhacked SIX
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwhacked SIX
Nicen up? you telling ME to nicen up? You use words like Rats and Bastards then tell ME to nicen up? I have looked it up. Raygun did not submit ONE balanced budget in 8 years. Bugga bombed an aspirin factory? get real man! Why do you not mention your buddy bombing Kaddafis child? was that kid a threat to our country? I dont give a rats ass what color Clarence Thomas is..he is NOT qualified to be a supreme court judge. Papa Bush knew that, everyone knows it but you. When he left his former position and went to the supreme court, he raised the collective IQ of both places at the same time.