The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30998   Message #402137
Posted By: John P
20-Feb-01 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: major religions and homophobia
Subject: RE: BS: major religions and homophobia
Why is homosexuality such an issue for Christians? Yes, the bible condemns it. What about all the other things the bible comdemns? Why aren't there national debates about these other issues? Why don't we have laws against them?

Lev. 18:19 says that we shouldn't have sexual intercourse during menstruation.
Duet. 22:22 says that adulterers should be stoned to death.
Lev. 7:23 says that we should not eat beef or mutton.
Duet. 22:13 says that a bride who is not a virgin should be stoned to death.

The list goes on. Why should anyone, or any religious organization, or any government, give a damn about what people do in bed with each other? Why does anyone think it's any of their business? Those of you who are members of religious organizations -- why do you belong to a church that tells you who can and can't sleep with? Why are you willing to give someone else that kind of power over you? If you don't personally agree with the tenets of your church, why do you remain a member? If you are not homophobic yourselves, why do you support a homophobic organization? Why should my government extend tax-exempt non-profit status to an organization that is discriminatory? If a chuch decided that being a practicing African-American was sinful, would anyone give them the time of day? Why is homophobia any different? How can anyone who is not bigoted against women continue to be a Roman Catholic? Or do you just take what you like and leave the rest? If so, why? Do you support the church financially?

Sorry, the whole question of gay and lesbian rights makes me rant and rave. I'll be better now.

John Peekstok