The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166975   Message #4021432
Posted By: Steve Shaw
27-Nov-19 - 05:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: A thought for our General Election
Subject: RE: BS: A thought for our General Election
Bollocks. This government has reigned over unnecessary austerity for almost a decade, which has affected the poorest in the country severely but their class not at all. This government has shat on benefits claimants and left greedy landlords severely alone. It has imposed a crippling pay freeze on public sector workers for years and has presided over an astronomical increase in zero-hours contracts and the gig economy, leaving millions of working people not knowing where their next pay cheque is coming from or how they'll pay the next month's rent. Homelessness has burgeoned (I don't look the other way). The number of kids living in poverty is going through the roof, mental health is a massive problem and the care system is in meltdown. And do try not to get sick unless you have private health insurance. The one good thing you've said is that you're not voting Tory. That gets you out of hell but you'll be a bloody long time in purgatory.