The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166975   Message #4021495
Posted By: Raedwulf
28-Nov-19 - 01:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: A thought for our General Election
Subject: RE: BS: A thought for our General Election
Thankfully, Steve, I believe in none of Hell (Hel, yes), Heaven, nor Purgatory. And you are precisely one of the one-eyed that... You're welcome to your opinion. But I refer the Honourable Member back to my point.

This govt no more than any other, no govt is responsible for poverty. Poverty is always there. I already said that I wouldn't argue if you said this govt has helped to increase it. But are you trying to tell me that it's done so deliberately & maliciously? It hasn't & any claim on your part that it has simply displays the blind bigotry & venom that I was referring to. It's followed its policies that it believed was right, just the same as your Socialist Idealists would follow theirs, have followed theirs in the past & when the fuck did they ever eliminate poverty? Never. That's when.

As D says, as I said, yes they are... A contributor to the current state of affairs. Inevitably so; they are the govt after all. All your bollocks does is prove that you can't, as usual, see past your own bollocks.