The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30998   Message #402154
Posted By: Pseudolus
20-Feb-01 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: major religions and homophobia
Subject: RE: BS: major religions and homophobia
I'm catholic and I don't have all the answers....I do however have several opinions. I think one of the reasons the Catholic Church might see homosexuality different than the other items you listed might be because they also believe (at least they used to) that the purpose for sex was for making babies and not necessarily for pleasure......alright, stop laughing ok??? Anyway, I've been perplexed with the same question and that is the best explanation I can muster. I don't agree with it, I just think that it could be the reason.

So why am I still a catholic?? I guess I compare it to my childhood...I didn't agree with all of my parents' rules either but I didn't run away from home. As I got older I've argued with my parents over several "rules" and I've won them over on some and fell sadly short on others. I believe that you MUST question your own religion when you disagree so that one of two things happens. either you convince some folks that you are right, or maybe you better understand why the rule exists. Or maybe a third thing happens and that is you agree to disagree somewhat. I don't think there is a religion out there that I would agree across the board with every rule. However, there's a lot there that makes sense and that brings me comfort in times of stress. The Catholic family has its problems no doubt, but what family doesn't? I'd rather keep the comfort it brings and fight the battles to change the things that need changing...
