The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166969   Message #4021790
Posted By: Backwoodsman
01-Dec-19 - 05:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Proposed anti-Traveller laws
Subject: RE: BS: Proposed anti-Traveller laws
My experience of travellers is that, if land is fenced or access is otherwise prevented, they will not break the fence or other barriers - presumably because that would make them guilty of criminal damage or some such, and removing them would thus be made easier. Rather than ‘force entry on to private land’, they will seek open areas, without fences or barriers preventing entry.

So Bonzo’s nonsense about them ‘thinking they have the right to force entry on to private land’ is just that - nonsense.

If a land owner is either too bone-idle, or too tight-arsed, to fence his property, he really is in no position to complain when individuals or groups of individuals with no permanent home make short-term use of the land.