The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167011   Message #4022680
Posted By: Senoufou
07-Dec-19 - 04:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Irn Bru
Subject: RE: BS: Irn Bru
I always pronounce it "Earrrrn Brrrrue" because that's how my pupils in Glasgow said it in the Seventies. But English people usually say "Eye-yun brew". Perhaps Gallus Moll or Tattie Bogle will be along to set me right?
I believe it contains a cocktail of additives and flavourings plus 'e numbers' and it's absolutely ghastly.
There will soon be a third ad to complete a Trilogy. Maybe the wee lad follows Santa to Lapland and receives a whole crate of the stuff as a gift?
Oh Steve, I'd give anything for a deep-fried Mars bar just now. I'm trying to lose some weight and have been existing on raw spinach leaves, chicken slices and chopped tomatoes. Sigh.