The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166789   Message #4023696
Posted By: The Sandman
14-Dec-19 - 09:02 AM
Thread Name: The current state of folk music in UK
Subject: RE: The current state of folk music in UK
Might i point out that at Christmas when everyone is over indulging in the new religion of consumerism, that throwing in the occasional song like "shortest story" instead of singing escapist songs such as jingle bells, or rudolph,[just because they are popular] might be very effective and make people think of all the unfortunate people at christmas.
I think singers to some extent have a moral duty, to get people to question and think about situations as well as entertain. if we are just going to entertain regardless of content ,god help us .i for one am not going to sing popular songs just because they are popular but either because they say something important, or because i like them.
that is my criteria. singing songs just because they are popular is imo rather like appealing to the lowest common denominator,
jim , i would rather hear you sing the song you sing about jesus christ not being wanted and being a subvrsisve ,and yes, you are talented. but imo you are wasting your talent singing rudolph or jungle bells.